Prepare to SHTF SHFT.
“The old world is dying.
The new world is struggling to be born.
Now is the time of monsters.”
Antonio Gramsci (1891 - 1937)
Again we find ourselves in a time of monsters - a time of freakish Frankensteins of interconnected crisis and threat wreaking havoc in our climate, economies, democracies, communities and technologies. Bringing an end to many of our predictable, reliable, comfortable ways of living and forcing the birth of new ways of being in the world.
Most people find change hard - all the more so when they must give up ground, comfort and security for instability. When people are afraid and threatened and stressed, it can produce monstrous behaviour.
New ways of being and living in the world must be nurtured. Though now may be a time of monsters, we commit to kindness and grace above all.
Prepare to SHTF SHFT.

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